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CIA Spying under USAID in Pakistan?
Press TV
April 30, 2011
Images and captions added by Color Revolutions and Geopolitics
Amid heightened tensions between Islamabad and Washington, Pakistan’s National Accountability Bureau has expressed concern that the CIA has intensified its covert operations in the country under the disguise of USAID, the official U.S. government aid agency.
The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has unofficially conveyed its apprehensions to some leading security agencies of the country that certain USAID officials, apparently monitoring and executing development work in the tribal areas and in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, are spying for the CIA.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Alberto Rodriquez, however, when contacted said that he has neither heard any such thing nor it is possible that the USAID officials are involved in any kind of espionage. Alberto insisted that there was no basis for such allegations.
Without the involvement of the Government of Pakistan, USAID is directly executing through its choice NGOs including American organizations a number of schemes and projects in the tribal areas and in the KPK province.
The sources said that the NAB found some indications of USAID officials having been allegedly involved in spying. This concern was shared with the ISI as the NAB sources said that the Bureau had no expertise or mandate to look into such illegal activity of foreign nationals.
There is growing unease in Pakistan’s spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, about CIA operations in the country. And U.S. authorities have always had suspicions about the true intentions of Pakistan’s security establishment.

The day after Davis’s release, a drone attack in North Waziristan killed around 44 civilians (no militants). For the first time, Pakistan launched a genuinely strong protest; so much so, that the army chief, General Kayani, vocally condemned the attack (a first).
For some days, the Pakistan Air Force patrolled the skies along the Durand Line and drone attacks halted. In the meantime, the ISI chief traveled to Washington for a meeting with his counterpart at the CIA.
He had not yet set foot in Pakistan when, on April 22, another drone attack in killed 22 people, including women and children.
Pakistan has also demanded that the United States reduce the number of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives and Special Operations forces working in Pakistan.